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The Sierra Club Miami Group includes Adams, Auglaze, Brown, Butler, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Pike, Preble, Ross, Scioto, Shelby, and Warren County. This area of the Sierra Club was started in 1971, 79 years after the Sierra Club was founded by John Miur, and is 6,000 members strong! The Sierra Club is the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. An Executive Committee oversees the leadership and direction of the group in the Miami area. The group includes many sections of focus like conservation, political action, outings, membership and outreach, and more!

If you would like to get involved please visit our volunteering page!

To learn more about our committees please visit this page!

Sierra Club mission statement

To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources;
To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Miami Group environmental justice mission statement

We are proud of the many environmental justice projects we have been working on here at the Miami Group. We must continue to engage the communities of Southwest Ohio and listen to the voices of leadership on the front lines of injustice. How can we be more collaborative and inclusive in our work? How can we engage our own and future generations?

The Mission of the Miami Group is to create a culture in which all communities benefit from the same degree of protection from economic harm, human health risks, and ecological damage, due to climate disruption and industrial pollution. No group of people should bear a disproportionate burden of the negative consequences resulting from corporate, governmental, or agency operations. We therefore seek to address the inequities in the way governments respond to these dangers, and as consumers, call out the world’s top polluters and make them – their markets and their patrons – answerable for the true cost to the planet.

To further protect our planet’s future and build power in the environmental movement, the Miami Group will endeavor to attract a greater racial, cultural, generational, and disability-inclusive diversity into its membership. To widen the circle of empathy, we will include in our conversations and in our leadership, the voices of those in poverty living on the front lines of injustice; the voices of Indigenous peoples fighting to protect our sacred wilderness; and the voices of youth crying out for climate justice.

Purposes and goals

Click here for Sierra Club Purposes and Goals (50kb PDF, 10 pages).

Bylaws and standing rules

Sierra Club Bylaws and Standing Rules (Last revised November 12, 2019. 41 pages, PDF).

View more information about bylaws and standing rules on the National Sierra Club’s website here!

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