Education Forum May 6: State of our waters in the Cincinnati region

canoes on the Ohio River

Join us May 6 for a forum on the state of our waters in the Cincinnati region, with Mike Miller, president of Rivers Unlimited and OEPA water chemist.

What can we do to protect the legacy of our watersheds? Greater Cincinnati is blessed with many kinds of freshwaters from its four major rivers, its sewersheds, its 35 lakes, its flood control reservoirs, retention ponds, and wetlands. The new wetlands of the Mill Creek help to lessen the impact of flood waters.

And yet our water is degraded by sewage, NPDES discharges, agricultural drainage and nonpointsource pollution coming from impervious surface and streets, hazardous waste storage sites, brownfields, and abandoned landfills. The good news is that Ohio is working to improve water quality from its row crop agriculture and from recently recognized pollutants, especially PFOS and PFOA in its large rivers.

Mark Miller
Mark Miller

Mike Miller is a professor emeritus of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies at the University of Cincinnati, where he taught for 40 years. Mike has researched aquatic ecosystem structure and function on rivers and lakes in the Midwest and Southwest Ohio, arctic Russia, and around the Equator working on paleolimnology with lake sediments, water chemistry, algal composition, zooplankton dynamics, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish ecology.

The forum will be held Monday, May 6, 2024 at 7 PM, Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 W.H Taft Rd, Cincinnati OH 45219. Free parking behind church.

Join us early at 6:30 pm for a Meet & Greet! Or follow the link below to register in advance to join via Zoom.

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