Miami Group Transportation Committee returns in overdrive

The Sierra Club Miami Group Transportation Committee has re-activated with a special focus on the impact of the proposed Brent Spence Bridge project. Volunteers started meeting in January and have been using Zoom to connect every other Monday night at 5 PM.

Committee members are concerned about the enormous environmental and human health impacts of funneling so much high-speed traffic and diesel truck traffic through the Greater Cincinnati area and the potential environmental injustices that could result in the neighborhoods closest to the new Ohio River crossing. There are also major concerns about the amount of stormwater runoff that will result in an area already plagued by combined sewer overflows as well as debris running off during construction.

The first outreach effort by the committee was to request that both the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County request “cooperating agency” status to improve oversight of the planning and construction. We are delighted to report Hamilton County Commissioner Denise Driehaus immediately wrote back to say the county is actively working toward that goal.

As always, the Transportation Committee is dedicated to sustainable development and green transportation alternatives to improve neighborhood connectivity and mass transit options. If you are interest in helping out or learning more, please contact Transportation Chair Chris Curran at [email protected]. Thanks!

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