EPA gives Ohio back a legal tool for cleaner air

Middletown steel plant

The US EPA will return the Air Nuisance Rule (ANR) to the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) on Thursday, February 20.

We will once again be able to use the ANR to enforce air pollution laws, as Ohioans could for the 50 years before the powerful citizen enforcement tool was illegally removed from Ohio’s SIP in late 2020.

The EPA made the announcement on January 19 after reviewing the comments on its proposed action. You can read the Federal Register notice and many of the comments here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2025/01/21/2025-00968/air-plan-approval-ohio-withdrawal-of-technical-amendment

Thanks to Miami Group members, Middletown residents who have been adversely affected by the loss of this rule, Sierra Club Law Department, AltmanNewman Co. LPA, and many others who joined this effort across Ohio. Your help to restore Ohioans’ most effective tool to protect the quality of air in their neighborhoods made a difference.

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