Lynn Frock passed away January 3, 2021. Lynn had been an active member of Sierra Club for nearly 50 years. He first found his connection to the Club by attending canoe school. His wife Pat remembers him later telling her about being recruited to become a beginning instructor and how scared he was. But over the years, he advanced in various leadership roles and he always said Sierra Club allowed him to discover his interests, his strengths and his skills more than any other way.
Lynn loved Sierra Club and all the people. Pat remembers the first backpack trip she and Lynn led. It was in Indiana, and was actually a mini training trip with about 10 people attending. They had a pre-trip meeting to get folks ready (this was before there was a backpack school). One person showed up at the trail head in “penny loafers”, which Lynn taped to his feet. There was another participant who collapsed, and they found out she had started some strict diet. Fortunately, she came around quickly by eating and drinking.
There are years of stories involving Lynn’s time with Sierra Club:
- Saving the Red River Gorge
- Starting the political committee and eventually chairing the National Political Committee
- Chairing the Miami Group where 100+ people would attend a monthly meeting
- Being one of group who started the first backpack school.
- Getting certifications.
- Leading outings.
- Teaching.
- Developing the organization.
- Being in the out of doors.
- Being part of chapter Executive Committee who hired the first staff in Ohio.
Lynn was awarded the Susan E. Miller Award at the national level, and loved just being with Sierra Club members and enjoying their spirit and their caring for the earth. When Lewy Body Dementia came Lynn could no longer lead, but he was fortunate that the disease progressed in such a way that he could still be in his beloved out of doors. He and Pat worked hard to delay the disease and for 4 years had success. Then came a slight trip over a tree root on their way to taking an hour walk. The end came swiftly 5 weeks later.
Pat Frock would like to thank all of their Sierra Club friends for sharing themselves with Lynn, and caring for our beloved earth.
Donations can be made to the Miami Group Memorial Grove in Lynn’s name in Memorial Grove.