Pura Vida! A virtual tour of the ‘most bio-intense place on the planet’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYcjQHpqWD4 Now and then we like to venture a little further away from home to satisfy our desire to experience the wilderness of other regions.
The Miami Group Outings Committee has collaborated with two local businesses to offer a series of virtual training sessions in backpacking-related topics. Sponsored by Roads, Rivers and Trails, Summit Trek and Travel, and Miami Group Sierra Club, the series offers training on subjects like Leave No Trace, basic backpacking gear, and food and stoves. We even have some presentations on topics outside of backpacking, including mountain biking, birding and canoe/kayak camping!
All virtual sessions will be free of charge and presented by experienced instructors. Look for schedule details in future Newsletters, on our website, and the Sierra Club Outings Meetup page.
Sessions are also recorded, so be sure to check out our YouTube channel to view topics from the past.
Email Nancy Ball at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about these events or leading a virtual training session.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYcjQHpqWD4 Now and then we like to venture a little further away from home to satisfy our desire to experience the wilderness of other regions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ANg0i7_AI8 An Introduction to Canoe/Kayak Camping Looking for yet another way to leverage your camping skills and equipment to enjoy the great outdoors? Overnight paddling
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxT26oZ4iVM&list=PLBquWuSM_WomfKWPI7lqKGio6yGSY0XVc&index=23 Learn about online mapping and route planning tools such as Hiking Project, Gaia, AllTrails, and CalTopo, which you can use as a supplement to
The Appalachian Trail has some of the best and most scenic hiking in the Eastern United States, and a majority of the AT is within
So you’ve collected all of this great backpacking gear and have a few trips under your belt. You may be asking “What else could I
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjYtFl7hUGc Not everyone loves commercial prepackaged dehydrated backpacker meals. Have dietary restrictions? Prefer your own seasoning and sodium levels? Tired of the same limited meal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oM-5GYZqqA “When you’re hungry, everything tastes good.” Eh … Maybe, but wouldn’t it be nice if your backpacking meals tasted GREAT? Join us for this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2fehsdToDo Lightening your pack can increase the enjoyment of your backpacking trips. You will learn for yourself over time which items are essential and which
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HPGrisNjyQ Part of the pleasure of backpacking is found in the freedom to be spontaneous, from not knowing exactly what each day will look like,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MirVNfY9hvg Part of the pleasure of backpacking is found in the freedom to be spontaneous, from not knowing exactly what each day will look like,
Miami Group Sierra Club
103 William Howard Taft Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
If you would like to receive the Sierra Club Miami Group monthly newsletter and action alerts, please fill out the form below. We’ll put you on our mailing list, and we will never sell your contact information to anyone else!
Don’t forget to vote for your Miami Group Executive Committee. Voting ends December 10.